Senin, 25 Januari 2010

Lim Ji Gyu, GHS's Chosen Star Actor for her First Full-Length: Much Anticipation

Headline: 임지규, 구혜선 첫 장편영화 주인공 발탁 ‘기대’
Headline: Lim Ji Gyu, GHS's Chosen Star Actor for her First Full-Length: much anticipation'

[뉴스엔 이미혜 기자]=Newsen's Reporter Lee Mi Hae

배우 임지규가 구혜선의 첫 장편영화에 주인공으로 발탁됐다.
Actor Lim Ji Gyu is selected as the star actor for GHS's first full-length feature.
(you know, news reporters are sometimes slower than the fans~~DC members knew this fact before this article and this is reporters' first report on Lim Ji Gyu! blink.gif I don't get them!)

‘은하해방전선’과 ‘저수지에서 건진 치타’로 전주영화제와 부산국제영화제에서 주목을 받고 부일영화제에서 신인상을 수상했던 임지규는 감독으로 변신한 구혜선의 첫 장편영화에 주인공으로 캐스팅돼 촬영을 시작했다.
Lim Ji Gyu appeared in movies such as Milky Way Liberation Battle Front and Cheetah Saved From the Reservoir. He received much attention through JunJoo Film Festival and Busan International Film Festival. At the BooIl Film Festival, he even received New Actors Award. (In my last translation of an article about Lim few pages back, it was reported that Lim received the award at the recommendation of Ahn Sung Gi who was impressed by Lim and Ahn actually pushed for the Actors Award which was nonexistent in that film festival.)
Now, Lim has been chosen to play the lead role for GHS who has been transformed into a director.

전 시회 및 출판 등으로 다방면에 재능을 발휘하며 관심을 받고 있는 구혜선의 장편데뷔작 ‘요술’은 젊은 음악도들의 사랑과 우정을 그린 영화. 임지규는 명진 역을 맡아 소극적이고 내성적인 눈에 뛰지 않는 아직은 미숙한 첼리스트로 분했다.
(I paraphrased)GHS's full-lenth feature directorial debut is titled MAGIC. and it is the result of her muti-talents. It is a story of young musicians' love and friendship. Lim Ji Gyu plays the role of Myung Jin' who is passive, introverted, easily-overlooked, and is an inexperienced cellist
(OMG! Upto this time, even though Lim may be the lead, he has been overlooked by the media~~what a casting! don't you think?)

친구 정우(김정욱 분)의 도움으로 자신의 재능을 이끌어내고 주목받는 첼리스트가 되어 정우가 완성하지 못한 지은(서현진 분)의 요술을 완성 시키려 한다. Lim's character receives help from a friend Jung Woo (Kim Jung Wook's role) and becomes a cellist who achieves his potential and recognition. Lim's character tries to perfect and complete the musical score by Ji Eun (Suh Hyun Jin's role) and that which Jung Woo could not perfect.

독 립영화의 기대주 또는 독립영화의 스타라는 수식어가 붙어왔지만 아직은 대중들에게 생소한 임지규란 배우를 감독 구혜선은 외모에서 풍기는 음악가적인 모습과 은하해방전선에서 보여준 자연스러운 연기 때문에 연출부의 추천을 받자마자 바로 내정시켰다고.
Although Lim has been called the future of independent films and star of independent films, the general public is still unfamiliar with Lim. However, GHS picked Lim because of Lim's 'musician-like atmosphere' about him and his natural acting style that she saw in MilkyWay Liberation Battlefront. When her directing team also recommended him, she immediately made a decision to recruit Lim.

임 지규는 첼리스트인 명진 역을 위해 11월부터 첼로 개인레슨을 받으며 역에 몰입해 왔다. 첼로라는 악기도 처음이고 상업영화에서 극을 이끌어가는 첫 주연을 맡아 부담감이 많았던 그는 음악원 분량의 촬영을 끝내고 편집한 10분가량의 영상을 보고서는 크게 만족했다.
For his role, Lim Ji Gyu has been focusing on developing his character and receiving private cello lessons since November, 2009. This is his first experience with cello. It is also his first lead acting role for a commercial film. He feels the burden of such a responsibility yet he showed big satisfaction after watching the 10 minute-editing of the music performance scene.

한편 1월 15일부터 인천에 소재한 창영초등학교에서 일주일간의 촬영은 서먹한 분위기에서 시작됐지만 미녀 감독의 시원스러운 큐소리에 금세 화기애애해졌으며 일주일간의 합숙으로 최고의 팀웍을 갖게 됐다고. 이제 한발을 내딛은 요술은 2월 중순까지 촬영을 하며 올 가을 개봉을 앞두고 있다.
The filming took place since Jan.15th at a Chang Myung elementary school located in Inchun. Of course, the atmosphere started out awkward. However, the atmosphere became comfortable and harmonious listening to the beautiful director's lively and unreserved sounds of ' CUE'. The entire MAGIC team lodging together for a week also greatly enhanced the teamwork spirit. So, MAGIC has made its first step and will continue until the middle of February. The movie expects to open in the fall.
cr: susAmerica/ , minsunph@facebook

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